Frequently Asked Questions for New Clients


+ What is the best way to communicate with my attorney?

Email is the easiest starting point for communicating with us. When you email us a question, we can reply with an answer or let you know if a call will be more efficient. This also helps us keep a written record of your questions and our responses. Please use text and unscheduled calls for emergencies only. If you'd like to schedule a meeting with us, you can keep your attorney's Calendly scheduling link on hand to find a time that is convenient for you.

+ How do I send documents containing Protected Health Information (PHI) to my attorney?

Please contact your Lead Attorney before sending us any Patient/Protected Health Information so we can set up a secure transfer process and get a signed Business Associate Agreement in place.

+ How do I pay my bill?

We accept E-checks through our secure LawPay platform, which is easy to use and allows you to store your payment information if you so choose. Visit our Payment FAQ at for more details. If you have any trouble with E-check, please contact Operations Manager Marisa Cieloha for assistance. Email:

We’ll send you a new payment request form when your service renews (for instance, Dedicated Counsel arrangements) or when you are nearing the end of your fixed-fee legal matter (such as a Pilot Bundle or Pre-Raise Prep Package) and have requested a new legal matter.

+ How do I reach my attorney in an emergency if they are not immediately available?

In an emergency, please call and text your Responsible Attorney and Carrie for backup. We'll make sure you get the help you need.

+ How do I schedule a meeting?

The back-and-forth of email scheduling is inefficient and tiresome. If you'd like to set a meeting or call with us, you can use our online scheduling link to find a time that works for you and your NLG team. Your attorney will share that customized link with you.

+ Who should I contact for help?

Besides your Lead Attorney, here’s the support team working behind the scenes:

Marisa Cieloha is our Operations Manager. Marisa is responsible for new client onboarding, invoicing and payment requests, and bundle renewals. She is available to help troubleshoot problems for clients, and she serves as a backstop for out of office attorneys. If you can’t reach your Responsible Attorney, reach out to Marisa and she’ll get you to the right place.

Contact Marisa: [][3]

Founding Partner Carrie Nixon is committed to maintaining the highest standards of service excellence, and is available as additional support to all clients of the Firm. We appreciate your feedback throughout the course of our engagement and at the close of a matter. Our goal is your satisfaction with our service. If there is something you are unhappy with—or something you really appreciate—we want to know. Email us at

+ Is there anything else I should know?

Yes! If you're not already getting it, be sure to sign up for the Innovation Insights emails so you always know what’s happening in the industry and how it could affect your healthcare business. You’ll also get links to our informative webinars, podcast interviews, and other timely information for healthcare innovators. Click here to sign up

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