Playlists for FemTech Founders and Investors

After a year of insightful episodes with experts around the globe, we created specific playlists for you to better navigate the wealth of resources on the Legally FemTech Podcast. You’ll find show notes, links, and (over the next few weeks) transcripts for all the episodes.

If you want to explore any of these topics in relation to your business, we invite you to set up an introductory call with one of our healthcare innovation attorneys to find out how we can help.


FemTech Regulatory Landscape

Building solutions in a landscape of evolving law and policy can be challenging! Check out this series of episodes on the regulatory considerations for FemTech founders.

FemTech Focus: Breaking Social Barriers

Whether you sell products for sexual enjoyment, reproduction, managing menopause, or any of the myriad of health issues women face, you’ll run up against social barriers. Because until now, women’s health issues have not had center stage. Here’s how to handle that.